Are You Changing?
I began seeing a therapist in March 2013. At the beginning, I thought I'd just be in therapy for a couple of months and then be completely healed of whatever I was having.
At first, I'd thought nothing of it when my best friend suggested I see a therapist. I remember telling her, I wasn't unhappy, I wasn't happy either. I was just trudging along life, being very aware that my severe Eczema, chronic Insomnia and Irritable Bowel Syndrome were ruining my quality of life. (no doctors I've seen could cure me, they just prescribed more and more drugs that were making me feel worse)
26 April 2012 (started: 1984)
As of today, I'm still in therapy, slowly uncovering layer by layer the myriad emotional issues I had that were manifesting into these physical and emotional problems.
Throughout these six and a half years of seeing my therapist, I have seen myself change; I started to be able to fall asleep and my eczema started healing - these are just two examples amongst others. I also started noticing changes around me, things that I've not noticed before - these changes were not because my environment changed (in fact, nothing changed), but because my responses to everything in life, started to change.
7 October 2019 (healed since 2016)
One of the greatest things that happened to me, is discovering energy to continue shaping Super Farmers into the exact version I want it to be, and with every closer step I get, I receive more and more satisfaction from the business opportunities that open up. This is truly a form of healing for me, because it is the first time I've ever felt so much satisfaction from my career.
You see, change is the only constant, and you will be able to heal, when you allow changes to happen, to unstuck both your mental and physical selves. (Reversely, when you resist change, you hold tight in place the blockages that are in your mental and physical states, preventing healing from happening)
The good news is, you don't have to initiate the change; If you slow down a little to look inward, you'd notice that changes are already happening inside of you on a daily basis.
While it's hard to see intangible changes such as emotional ones (although you certainly can feel them), if you can see a time-lapse of yourself under a powerful microscope, you'd see how amazing your body is programmed to heal itself!
Your body's renewal schedule is as follows:
-red blood cells: every 4 months
-skin: every 2 to 4 weeks
-hair: every 3 to 6 years
-liver: every 150 to 500 days
-stomach: every 5 days
-intestines: every 5 days
-bones: everyday
Each time your cells undergo a renewal process of replacing itself, you become a brand new you!
So, please remember that you are designed to heal, simply, by changing and allowing change.
If you've noticed, we took some time off social media because we too were allowing change to take place. We've been busy designing new programmes for you, and these programmes are specially designed to accompany you on your healing journey. Because when you heal, it brings us so much satisfaction, we in turn, heal!
Keep your eyes peeled for the launch of our unique cooking course designed to heal - Soul Nourishing, launching November 2019.
Sign up for our newsletter so that you won't miss any of this healing goodness.
Xx, Cynthea