2020 : Nourishing Joy

Happy New Year! 

The start of a brand new decade must've sparked many goals for you. I hope self-care is one of them. 

Having run so many food-related workshops for five years now, I have observed a common trait among people, especially those who are unwell; They are fearful of food. 

Food is blamed for almost every disease, body shape and bodily reaction out there. The scary thing is, the food industry banks on this fear and perpetuates it with products that would serve and fuel the fear mongering. 

For instance, weight-loss meals are a multi-billion dollar industry that encourages fad diets that tout weight loss within x weeks. But what it isn't telling you is its list of highly-processed ingredients and higher-than-usual sugar content that would only comply with the popular demand for lower calories but deficient in nutrition and joy. However consumers gladly jump on the weight-loss meals band wagon because otherwise they think they wouldn't be able to lose weight on their own.  

Most people diagnosed with a serious illness would usually first give their diets an overhaul, seeking organic produce and giving up entirely on meats because of the information they have been inundated with regarding non-organic produce and meats. 

Image Credit: National Cancer Institute

Sometimes I wonder if people have been misinformed or have been reading skewed researches but whatever it is, it all gives rise to: Fear & Guilt. 

"Sinful", "Indulgences", "Bad Eating Habits" are words that would lead one to think that they have done wrong with food; People think they have been punished for eating 'poorly'. 

A father once brought his young daughter to our workshop hoping she would eat more greens. I was very pleased to report that his daughter was open to eating spring onions and she found it flavourful too. However, her father boo boo-ed it by saying "but spring onions have no nutritional value!". 

Spring onion is a rich source of Vitamin K which is imperative for memory performance. It is also a good source of dietary fibre and vitamins A and B6, thiamine, folate and minerals (potassium, copper, chromium, manganese, iron).

With enough spring onions, his daughter can have excellent memory retention, strong blood clotting abilities and really good bones!

I was led to wonder what it would be like to share my knowledge of nutrition while making food delicious and joyful to eat without the fear and guilt people usually associate with their regular diets. 

Creating a cooking course that could merge all of the above then became an important mission for me; One that would bring joy to those who want to eat well and be in good health. 

Nourishing Joy is a fundamental cooking course that introduces healthier:
-ingredient options
-cooking techniques
-eating mindsets

This course is perfect for families, caregivers, domestic helpers, new parents and anyone looking to widen their repertoire of meal selections at home. 

We do not subscribe to any medical practices or dietary labels that aim to limit and restrict foods. Instead, we focus on what our bodies need and these needs are different for everyone. 

I also created Nourishing Joy For You,  a one-to-one programme that dives deeper to work on your unique and specific bodily condition - consider this a life and food coaching programme rolled into one, where we also look into your emotional attachments to food and work on deep healing.

I developed this programmed after my own years of going to therapy that have led to the healing of a chronic 30-year episode of Eczema, 6-years of Insomnia and Irritable Bowel Syndrome that doctors have long given up on. 

Through this programme, you will experience healing from within, with no external interventions, pills or potions. Slowly but surely, you will begin to: 
-Feel comforted 
-Experience clarity and less heavy in worries 
-Gain a different perspective 
-Slowly notice changes in yourself 

I hope you can join me on this journey of healing as we focus on nourishing joy in 2020. 

Cheers to healing! 
Cynthea xx